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Bone Drugs Can Cause Serious Jaw Disease

Bone Strength Osteoporosis

While there are safer ways (Osteo Plus) to combat or prevent osteoporosis, the medical establishment sticks to drugs. Among their most popular have been the biphosphenates (Fosamax© etc.)

Reports have come in about a serious jaw condition resulting from "biphos" use.

Here is one--"Biphosphenate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws is a complication which can occur in patients treated with 'biphos.' The pathogenisis is still poorly understood. Risk factors are invasive oral treatments with tooth extraction as a leading cause. Because of the complexity of the the treatment of osteonecrosis of the jaws, prevention is of the utmost importance..."

In: Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd, April 2012. By: Dr. Van der Waal, VU medisch centrum in Amsterdam.